🗞️ Description
The Data Visualization with R online course consists of video lectures, an eBook and an R project to learn practical skills, as well as 3 live sessions to provide personal instruction.
Who is the intended audience of this course?
- Active research scientists, primarily in the life sciences
- Doctoral candidates mid-way through their research project
- Individuals who need to analyze their own data
- Individuals with prior experience working with their own data in R
What will participants be able to do after this course?
- Use data visualization as tool for performing statistics and communication
- Create appropriate visualizations of their own data using the
📦 in R
- Identify the most common reasons why data visualizations fail and how to deal with them
What are the prerequisites?
- Ability to use
to analyze your own data
- An RStudio Cloud account
- An installation of R and RStudio on your personal computer
For the group sessions
- An example visualization to discuss in the first live session (no necessarily your own)